I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with designer, Anelle Gandelman. Former student of The New School of Interior Design with a degree in Fine Art from Parsons School of Design and a certificate in American art & antiques from Sotheby’s. I bet you know where we’re going with this one.

Yep, art and design. We talk about it quite a bit. I think it’s important to cover this subject for a number of reason. In my experience, designer tend to shy away form fine art, antiques and the perceived high expense of such endeavors in design. Why? Because of cost, overall percentage of the design budget, lack of quality control, delivery issues, but the main reason? I suspect it is due to a lack of comfort with the idea that there is rarity to this and an inability to circle back and return the product if it doesn’t fit perfectly. But think about it this way, art and antiques can be woven into a design concept in so many way that it can raise the level of design exponentially. You can use art as a feature, accessory, complimentary item, balance to low in the high-low scenario. You can use antiques to balance a modern or contemporary feel but most importantly to me anyway is that a skilled designer can use art and antiques to further craft the story behind the design itself making it a unique story exclusive to their clients. That is what many if not most clients are looking for now. So, we are going to get into this with a deep dive into the world of design, art and antiques with designer and founder of the Manhattan firm, A List Interiors, Anelle Gandelman.

Thank you, Anelle. I truly appreciate the time! Thank you Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener for your partnership. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. And, thank you for listening, remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week. Be well and take today first.

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with designer, Anelle Gandelman. Former student of The New School of Interior Design with a degree in Fine Art from Parsons School of Design and a certificate in American art & antiques from Sotheby’s. I bet you know where we’re going with this one.

Yep, art and design. We talk about it quite a bit. I think it’s important to cover this subject for a number of reason. In my experience, designer tend to shy away form fine art, antiques and the perceived high expense of such endeavors in design. Why? Because of cost, overall percentage of the design budget, lack of quality control, delivery issues, but the main reason? I suspect it is due to a lack of comfort with the idea that there is rarity to this and an inability to circle back and return the product if it doesn’t fit perfectly. But think about it this way, art and antiques can be woven into a design concept in so many way that it can raise the level of design exponentially. You can use art as a feature, accessory, complimentary item, balance to low in the high-low scenario. You can use antiques to balance a modern or contemporary feel but most importantly to me anyway is that a skilled designer can use art and antiques to further craft the story behind the design itself making it a unique story exclusive to their clients. That is what many if not most clients are looking for now. So, we are going to get into this with a deep dive into the world of design, art and antiques with designer and founder of the Manhattan firm, A List Interiors, Anelle Gandelman.

Thank you, Anelle. I truly appreciate the time! Thank you Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener for your partnership. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. And, thank you for listening, remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week. Be well and take today first.