I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design. Today, we’re heading to Los Angeles for a conversation with Jaime Olmos and Lise Bornstein of KFA Architecture. We talked, in depth about exploring LA’s identity, preservation and the nature of design in LA, the multi-node structure of this incredible cluster of cities, rediscovering LA’s iconic architectural treasures and so much more.

You knowI love LA. It’s home. It’s not the same as it was when I grew up as a teen in the San Fernando Valley in the 1980’s. The best place in the world to be, at that time. But it’s not the same. I’m not hating, but I feel like LA is on the verge of a renaissance. And it all starts with the designers because what they design are the postcards that announce LA’s future return to glory. It starts with honoring the past, and respecting it as you plan for the future. And it all starts with conversations like these. Of note, I have 2 new sponsor partners joining the show. I could not be happier or more pleased to welcome Pacific Sales, A Best Buy Company and TimberTech to the Convo By Design family. These are amazing brands and you are going to have numerous opportunities to interact directly with them over the next weeks and months ahead so stay tuned for those announcements.

If you want to take a deep dive, this episode has a powerful AI generated synopsis of the whole conversation which you can find in the show notes. We are going to hear from Lise and Jaime, right after this.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

ThermaSol - Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware - A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 - Where service meets excellence

TimberTech - Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Thank you Lise and Jaime for your time, talent and willingness to share. I love these conversations. I love sharing them with you. Please continue to email me with your guest and show suggestions. Convo by [email protected] and reach out via Instagram, @ConvoXDesign with an “X”.

Thank you to Convo By Design partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sales and Design Hardware. For more information about and links to these incredible companies and to learn more about their products, please check the show notes.

For more stories like these from the design community, please make sure you are subscribing to the podcast, so you receive new episodes automatically when they are published. That way, you never miss an episode. Convo By Design is available everywhere you find your favorite podcasts. Thanks for listening, until next week, be well and take today first. -Convo By Design

KFA Architecture Summary

Exploring Los Angeles Identity

Lise and Josh had a conversation about their experiences living in Los Angeles, with Lise being a native of the East Coast. They both expressed their appreciation for Los Angeles' willingness to reinvent itself and its freedom from traditional norms. Jaime, who was born and raised in Los Angeles, shared their ongoing exploration of what Los Angeles means, including its indigenous architecture. The conversation ended on a note about building and restoring communities in Los Angeles.

Architecture, Design, and Preservation in Southern California

Jaime and Josh discussed architecture and design in Southern California, with a focus on the balance between new and historic structures. They highlighted the unique character of LA's mid-century modernism and the importance of preserving historical buildings. Josh also raised questions about the role of architects in shaping the future of their designs, given the long lifespan of buildings. Lise added that the context and story of a building, as well as its connection to the community, can contribute to its historical significance. The conversation concluded without a clear resolution on the criteria for determining what makes a b...

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design. Today, we’re heading to Los Angeles for a conversation with Jaime Olmos and Lise Bornstein of KFA Architecture. We talked, in depth about exploring LA’s identity, preservation and the nature of design in LA, the multi-node structure of this incredible cluster of cities, rediscovering LA’s iconic architectural treasures and so much more.

You knowI love LA. It’s home. It’s not the same as it was when I grew up as a teen in the San Fernando Valley in the 1980’s. The best place in the world to be, at that time. But it’s not the same. I’m not hating, but I feel like LA is on the verge of a renaissance. And it all starts with the designers because what they design are the postcards that announce LA’s future return to glory. It starts with honoring the past, and respecting it as you plan for the future. And it all starts with conversations like these. Of note, I have 2 new sponsor partners joining the show. I could not be happier or more pleased to welcome Pacific Sales, A Best Buy Company and TimberTech to the Convo By Design family. These are amazing brands and you are going to have numerous opportunities to interact directly with them over the next weeks and months ahead so stay tuned for those announcements.

If you want to take a deep dive, this episode has a powerful AI generated synopsis of the whole conversation which you can find in the show notes. We are going to hear from Lise and Jaime, right after this.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Thank you Lise and Jaime for your time, talent and willingness to share. I love these conversations. I love sharing them with you. Please continue to email me with your guest and show suggestions. Convo by [email protected] and reach out via Instagram, @ConvoXDesign with an “X”.

Thank you to Convo By Design partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sales and Design Hardware. For more information about and links to these incredible companies and to learn more about their products, please check the show notes.

For more stories like these from the design community, please make sure you are subscribing to the podcast, so you receive new episodes automatically when they are published. That way, you never miss an episode. Convo By Design is available everywhere you find your favorite podcasts. Thanks for listening, until next week, be well and take today first. -Convo By Design

KFA Architecture Summary

Exploring Los Angeles Identity

Lise and Josh had a conversation about their experiences living in Los Angeles, with Lise being a native of the East Coast. They both expressed their appreciation for Los Angeles’ willingness to reinvent itself and its freedom from traditional norms. Jaime, who was born and raised in Los Angeles, shared their ongoing exploration of what Los Angeles means, including its indigenous architecture. The conversation ended on a note about building and restoring communities in Los Angeles.

Architecture, Design, and Preservation in Southern California

Jaime and Josh discussed architecture and design in Southern California, with a focus on the balance between new and historic structures. They highlighted the unique character of LA’s mid-century modernism and the importance of preserving historical buildings. Josh also raised questions about the role of architects in shaping the future of their designs, given the long lifespan of buildings. Lise added that the context and story of a building, as well as its connection to the community, can contribute to its historical significance. The conversation concluded without a clear resolution on the criteria for determining what makes a building historically significant.

Los Angeles Architecture Evolution Discussion

Josh initiated a discussion about the evolution of Los Angeles and its architecture. They asked Lise and Jaime about their perspectives on the city’s transformation, especially since they both have ties to the area. Lise shared their experience of moving to Los Angeles and their initial impression of the city’s car-centric culture and lack of greenery. However, over the years, they have grown to appreciate the city’s potential for community building and the role of architecture in creating humane spaces. Jaime, a native Angelino, also shared their experiences and impressions of the city.

LA’s Cultural Fusion and Multi-Node Structure

Jaime and Josh discussed the unique character of Los Angeles, emphasizing its cultural fusion and the potential of its multi-node structure. Jaime highlighted the redevelopment of downtown and the appreciation of historic buildings. Josh shared their experiences growing up in the San Fernando Valley and their appreciation for art and architecture in LA. They also discussed the triforium, a unique piece of art in downtown LA. Towards the end, Josh asked Jaime about the verticals within their firm, including schools, commercial, industrial, residential, and historical projects. Jaime clarified their study background and shared their experience at Pomona College.

Rediscovering LA’s Architecture and Design

Jaime discussed the rediscovery of Los Angeles’ architecture and design through the lens of national parks, highlighting the repurposing of older buildings such as the 2121 Lofts in the Arts District. Jaime also discussed the transformation of the Arts District and the LA River, and how these changes have affected the city’s urban fabric. Lise then shifted the conversation towards the history of LA, noting the presence of old industrial buildings, and the city’s willingness to embrace new and different ideas. They also touched upon the tension and potential for false nostalgia when discussing the historic and new pieces of the city’s architecture.

Architectural Design and Disneyland’s Influence

Lise and Josh discussed the importance of architectural design in relation to historical context and the influence of Disneyland on the architectural innovation in Southern California. Lise emphasized the need to design in a Spanish colonial or mission style, which is often requested due to its familiarity. They also mentioned the challenge of incorporating this style into larger, modern buildings. Lise shared their experience with the Hayworth House in West Hollywood, where the building was transformed into senior housing. They highlighted the importance of creating a community feel by adding a front porch and a garden. Josh then shifted the conversation towards the future, expressing interest in discussing where architecture is headed.

Architectural Safety and Community Interactions Post-Pandemic

Josh and Lise discussed the shift in architectural preferences due to the pandemic, with a focus on safety, security, and privacy. They agreed that safety and security are always important, particularly in urban areas, and that learning from past design practices can guide future improvements. Lise highlighted the need for creating safe and secure spaces in cities, emphasizing the importance of visual connections and community interactions. Jaime agreed, noting that their firm aims to provide safety without disconnecting from the community, and shared about the challenges faced by individuals who have been homeless and recently moved into their first permanent home. They highlighted the need for relearning basic self-care skills and the potential for a wide range of reactions to this transition.

Designing Community Wellness in Market Rate Housing

Jaime, Lise, and Josh discussed the potential of architectural elements in creating community and fostering wellness in market rate housing. Jaime emphasized the potential of stairs and walkways, while Lise mentioned the success of opening up stairs for a health and wellness aspect. Josh shared their personal experience in Tulsa, where a community-focused design led to successful social interactions. Jaime and Lise also discussed the future of design, highlighting the increasing value of human connection due to artificial intelligence, the trend towards natural materials, and the need for places that foster meaningful connections. They also touched upon the potential densification of LA, particularly around existing metro lines, and the growing importance of outdoor space and greenery.

Sustainability and Innovation in Los Angeles

Lise and Josh discussed the growing importance of sustainability, with Lise emphasizing that it is a basic human right. They highlighted the potential of Los Angeles as a testing ground for innovative solutions. Lise shared their experience with lead certified design and the role of government mandates in driving innovation. Josh discussed a previous project involving a unique drone pad in the Hollywood Hills and the potential for autonomous drones to revolutionize transportation in LA. The conversation concluded with a consensus on the exciting opportunities and challenges awaiting the industry in the coming decade.