I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a story about giving back. On the show, over the past year, you have heard me talking about The Oasis Alliance, an organization co-designing the personal spaces of trauma survivors. Their vision, clearly stated….The Oasis Alliance envisions a world where every trauma survivor has a dignified place of refuge to refuel and recharge.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol - Redefining the modern shower experience. Episode 271 featuring Mitch Altman

Moya Living -  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

Design Hardware - A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

The Oasis Alliance - Providing design to those in need.

The thing about trauma is you can’t just look at them and instinctively see their pain. You don’t know what people have been going through any more than someone else can look at you and know your pain, anxiety, discomfort. If you are a design enthusiast, as in, a fan, perhaps a client, but not in the business but have worked with a designer or architect, you know and have experienced the power of design. Many of the designers I speak with have experienced the gratitude of their clients, the recognition from media or on social platforms that showcase images of the work. But design is more meaningful than that.

Trauma is universal in that everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. For others, life went a direction then otherwise desired. Trauma became a constant and anyone who has experienced or loves someone who has been affected by traumatic events, you know, the scars are invisible and long lasting. A safe space is critical to renewal through recovery.

Design has the power to transform lives from within by providing spaces that have been ideated and crafted to foster wellness, inspire creativity or act as a safe-space, a refuge or even just a place to stop and experience peace and quiet. This conversation features Danielle Woodhouse-Johnson, founder and executive director of The Oasis Alliance. You are going to hear her story and the “why” behind this project, right after this.

Thank you, Danielle. Thank you for taking the time to share your story and thank you for the work you’re doing. Thank you to my partners and sponsors ThermaSol, Moya Living and Design Hardware for your partnership and support.And, thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to the show. I hope this allows you to think about things in new ways. 

Please keep those emails coming. Convo by design @ Outlook.com with show suggestions, guest ideas, just to say ‘hello’ or from this episode, to find out how to be a part of The Oasis Alliance.Thanks again, and until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a story about giving back. On the show, over the past year, you have heard me talking about The Oasis Alliance, an organization co-designing the personal spaces of trauma survivors. Their vision, clearly stated….The Oasis Alliance envisions a world where every trauma survivor has a dignified place of refuge to refuel and recharge.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Episode 271 featuring Mitch Altman

Moya Living –  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

The Oasis Alliance – Providing design to those in need.

The thing about trauma is you can’t just look at them and instinctively see their pain. You don’t know what people have been going through any more than someone else can look at you and know your pain, anxiety, discomfort. If you are a design enthusiast, as in, a fan, perhaps a client, but not in the business but have worked with a designer or architect, you know and have experienced the power of design. Many of the designers I speak with have experienced the gratitude of their clients, the recognition from media or on social platforms that showcase images of the work. But design is more meaningful than that.

Trauma is universal in that everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. For others, life went a direction then otherwise desired. Trauma became a constant and anyone who has experienced or loves someone who has been affected by traumatic events, you know, the scars are invisible and long lasting. A safe space is critical to renewal through recovery.

Design has the power to transform lives from within by providing spaces that have been ideated and crafted to foster wellness, inspire creativity or act as a safe-space, a refuge or even just a place to stop and experience peace and quiet. This conversation features Danielle Woodhouse-Johnson, founder and executive director of The Oasis Alliance. You are going to hear her story and the “why” behind this project, right after this.

Thank you, Danielle. Thank you for taking the time to share your story and thank you for the work you’re doing. Thank you to my partners and sponsors ThermaSol, Moya Living and Design Hardware for your partnership and support.And, thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to the show. I hope this allows you to think about things in new ways. 

Please keep those emails coming. Convo by design @ Outlook.com with show suggestions, guest ideas, just to say ‘hello’ or from this episode, to find out how to be a part of The Oasis Alliance.Thanks again, and until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD