Digging into another subject of almost infinite choices, our Cinephiles bring you an episode dedicated to biopics. With so many great, mediocre and downright terrible selections to choose from, the selection process was a little tough, especially for guest Demigod Rob. Do you know how hard it is to crush a man's dreams of bringing My Name is Bruce? To break a man's very soul by telling them that Bruce Campbell didn't actually fight an ancient Chinese evil? I do believe he's still in a pit of despair, trying to come to terms with this new reality.

These are our Staff Picks!

Matty tries to reinvent the meaning of "Vietnam classic" with his Staff Pick of the week, with a film that has never been regarded as a Platoon-like film or even classic for that matter. We at The League of Manchildren implore our listeners to watch Universal Soldier and tell us whether you agree with Matty's description of it or if you wonder what thought process even got him to this diagnosis.

Michaela brings a film that has been getting glowing reviews from the festival screenings it played, as well as a large majority of the stand up comedy community. Does Jenny Slate have a bright future ahead of her? A large number of people agree, Obvious Child is a fantastic start.

Stevil is riled up and excited for the final season of Sons of Anarchy. So excited that he wants to talk everything Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman. No, he didn't bring Pacific Rim, been there, done that (listen to episode 21). Instead he brings a nervous, socially awkward Charlie and a cross dressing Ron in 3,2,1 Frankie Goes Boom. C'mon, Ron Perlman in drag, how is this not intriguing?

Demigod Rob must warn you, he is prone to liking some weird stuff. He doesn't lie about it, beat around the bush about it or sugar coat it. It is what it is. That being said, Under The Skin might have been the film that was too weird for him to like. So with that being said, he highly recommends you skip out on it. Well, maybe after the Scarjo full frontal nudity. We know Matty is more than curious on that issue.

Today we're bringing Bio Pics to the table with Demigod Rob

"There was a time when one was excited for a Tim Burton/Johnny Depp team up, no other movie proved this fact more than Ed Wood. A love story to film making and old Hollywood, this story of one man's failure to bring his movies to the public is an inspiring one." - Matty/@mattydub604

"I thought it would be interesting to go a little off the beaten path and pick a film about a regular man who's notability stemmed not from his accomplishments, but from his extreme deformity and the tragic circumstances of his life. I had never seen The Elephant Man before, but had always been intrigued by Joseph Merrick's story, and wanted to see how David Lynch would choose to tell it." - Michaela/@avidcinephile

"It seems like an odd choice for me to pick, I know. Honestly, I was listening to a lot of Biggie's discography and when Michaela had the idea to bring bio pics as our subject, I felt like being a little selfish and brought Notorious. Plus I had never watched the director's cut I bought a few years back." - Steve/@thestevildead

"I chose Sid and Nancy for a few reasons. First, we talked about Repo Man in a previous cast and I wanted to keep the Alex Cox theme going. Secondly, as a life long punk fan, I've been fascinated by the fact that people celebrate him as an antihero when he was essentially a talentless street junkie who murdered his girlfriend. And lastly, I'm obsessed with the Criterion Collection and this was the first one I ever owned." - Rob/@demigodrob

What is your favourite bio pic? Do you or did you enjoy our picks? Listen to the episode and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Digging into another subject of almost infinite choices, our Cinephiles bring you an episode dedicated to biopics. With so many great, mediocre and downright terrible selections to choose from, the selection process was a little tough, especially for guest Demigod Rob. Do you know how hard it is to crush a man's dreams of bringing My Name is Bruce? To break a man's very soul by telling them that Bruce Campbell didn't actually fight an ancient Chinese evil? I do believe he's still in a pit of despair, trying to come to terms with this new reality.

These are our Staff Picks!

Matty tries to reinvent the meaning of "Vietnam classic" with his Staff Pick of the week, with a film that has never been regarded as a Platoon-like film or even classic for that matter. We at The League of Manchildren implore our listeners to watch Universal Soldier and tell us whether you agree with Matty's description of it or if you wonder what thought process even got him to this diagnosis.

Michaela brings a film that has been getting glowing reviews from the festival screenings it played, as well as a large majority of the stand up comedy community. Does Jenny Slate have a bright future ahead of her? A large number of people agree, Obvious Child is a fantastic start.

Stevil is riled up and excited for the final season of Sons of Anarchy. So excited that he wants to talk everything Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman. No, he didn't bring Pacific Rim, been there, done that (listen to episode 21). Instead he brings a nervous, socially awkward Charlie and a cross dressing Ron in 3,2,1 Frankie Goes Boom. C'mon, Ron Perlman in drag, how is this not intriguing?

Demigod Rob must warn you, he is prone to liking some weird stuff. He doesn't lie about it, beat around the bush about it or sugar coat it. It is what it is. That being said, Under The Skin might have been the film that was too weird for him to like. So with that being said, he highly recommends you skip out on it. Well, maybe after the Scarjo full frontal nudity. We know Matty is more than curious on that issue.

Today we're bringing Bio Pics to the table with Demigod Rob

"There was a time when one was excited for a Tim Burton/Johnny Depp team up, no other movie proved this fact more than Ed Wood. A love story to film making and old Hollywood, this story of one man's failure to bring his movies to the public is an inspiring one." - Matty/@mattydub604

"I thought it would be interesting to go a little off the beaten path and pick a film about a regular man who's notability stemmed not from his accomplishments, but from his extreme deformity and the tragic circumstances of his life. I had never seen The Elephant Man before, but had always been intrigued by Joseph Merrick's story, and wanted to see how David Lynch would choose to tell it." - Michaela/@avidcinephile

"It seems like an odd choice for me to pick, I know. Honestly, I was listening to a lot of Biggie's discography and when Michaela had the idea to bring bio pics as our subject, I felt like being a little selfish and brought Notorious. Plus I had never watched the director's cut I bought a few years back." - Steve/@thestevildead

"I chose Sid and Nancy for a few reasons. First, we talked about Repo Man in a previous cast and I wanted to keep the Alex Cox theme going. Secondly, as a life long punk fan, I've been fascinated by the fact that people celebrate him as an antihero when he was essentially a talentless street junkie who murdered his girlfriend. And lastly, I'm obsessed with the Criterion Collection and this was the first one I ever owned." - Rob/@demigodrob

What is your favourite bio pic? Do you or did you enjoy our picks? Listen to the episode and let us know what you think in the comments below!

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