It’s Been March Madness in the Channel

Convey Channel Podcast Series

 I’ll admit that I’m not into basketball, but I do love watching Sister Jean on the sidelines, seeing the Cinderella teams knock out the top seeds, and enjoying the college kids having their moments of glory on the court.  For those of you that like history, the term March Madness came on the scene all the way back in 1939 when it was used to refer to Henry Porter, an Indiana basketball official.  But we all know it from legendary sports commentator Brent Musberger who used it to describe the 1982 college tournament.

 So why do we call this tournament, March Madness?  The real answer is that what we expect to happen and who is going to win never really happens.  Powerful teams lose; games end in thrilling and unexpected ways, and there never seems a way to predict the outcome.

Perhaps we should use “2020 Madness” to describe the last year we’ve had in the channel.  Before COVID we knew what to expect, what services to focus on and who to sell them to, but then 2020 Madness kicked in.  Let’s look at what’s changed in the last year.

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