Who else is ready to host again?  Who needs to get their life together a little bit first?  My guest this week, Amy Wiley, from Suburban Soiree is so organized when it comes to preparing for her parties.  

She's got a seasonal planner, binder, and a lot of ideas of how to make memories and celebrate with your family and friends. 

We talk all about hosting, kids parties, and how to make deep connections with your friends through supper club.  I loved hearing how touching it is for Amy to know that those relationships help her and her family when they need it the most. 

This is a great conversation where you'll leave with new ideas to host and encouragement to go out and build your community. 

You can learn more from our guest, Amy Wiley at Suburban Soiree here

Purchase all of her party organizing items on Etsy here

See her Sassy Napkin Society items here

Get organized with Amy's Seasonal Celebration Planner here

Follow more of Amy's celebrations on Instagram here

Don't forget to leave a rating and review of the podcast, it helps so much. 

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