Do you love a dinner party but maybe need to figure out how to actually host one?  This episode we dive into all the ways to host a great dinner party.  Get ready to send those invites after listening to this!

We talk about the food of course, but a lot of other things that often get overlooked when it comes to hosting a dinner party.  Plus the one thing that is going to give you boundaries when planning, cooking, decorating, and more. 

The best part of the whole party should be the connection you're making with the people around the table.  Enjoy your guests and the food you're feeding them!  This episode will help you do that! 

You may also want to listen to episode 12 about hosting someone with dietary restrictions and episode 52 about building a tablescape. 

Bingeing Segment

This week I'm bingeing my new sandals from an unlikely source.  You can see them here and get a pair for yourself here

Don't Forget 

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If you have any questions I'm always happy to help, just send me a DM @thedailyhostess on Instagram