This is such a festive and fun episode talking with Lee Varhola all about how she decorates for Christmas.  Lee is a bonafide Christmas tree expert putting up and decorating many in her own home along with doing it for others in their homes.  Listen in as she tells us the best way to decorate a Christmas tree, along with a lot of other great hosting tips and ways to furnish and decorate your home on a budget. 

Links You Need

You can find out more from Lee by going to her website Lee Varhola Home. 

Or follow her on Instagram here.

Bingeing Segment

This week, I'm feeling a little girly and talking about my new obsession with almond shaped nails and dip manicures.  Check out my Instagram to see a picture of what my nails look like right now. 

Don't Forget 

If you have any questions I'm always happy to help, just send me a DM @thedailyhostess on Instagram

Plus you can get your own party planning guidebook by clicking here.  You'll receive 15 pages of checklists, timelines, and ways to simplify your next gathering so you can stress less and enjoy it more. 

Learn more at

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