This week we hear some amazing advice and wisdom from my Navy colleague, Matt Comer.  He has hosted thousands of people in his home through short term stays, regular dinner parties, and yearly events. 

He has blended his love of food and community perfectly together to create a wealth of deep, long term friendships.  He gives so many good tips on how to take on risk when meeting people and easy, tangible ways to stay connected with those in your community. Plus, if you like food, you will love some of the delicious sounding creations Matt talks about in this episode. 

This is a must listen episode! 

Find out more about Matt and see all of his culinary adventures on Instagram @wastedboyfriendpotential 

Other links: 

This week I'm bingeing two different planners.  Click here to get the Best Self Planner or here for the Smart Planner Pro.  I've used them both in the past and currently.  They are my go to planners. 

Don't forget to leave a rating and review of the podcast by clicking five stars and telling me what value you got out of today's episode. 

Follow along to learn more about the podcast, building community, and hosting stress free parties @thedailyhostess on Instagram. 

You can also sign up to get your own party hosting guide here.  15 pages of party advice to walk you through hosting your own amazing party.