On this episode of Love It or Leave It Samantha Clarke talks about change, and knowing when to love it or leave it. As we approach Spring in the UK, the season of rebirth, renewal and rejuvenation Samantha talks about our attitude and our approach to change. Knowing what we want to continue doing, what we might want to stop doing, and what we might want to start doing as we approach this new season.


“So it’s really about creating that knowledge of knowing this is what I love and this is what I want to leave behind to really drive me to that next place.” - Samantha


1.27 - Knowing when to Love or Leave change

2.15 - Reflecting with the change in seasons

4.23 - Who are you?

6.40 - 3 ways to find information to help make decisions



>>>Read Samantha Clarke’s book - Love It Or Leave It: How to Be Happy at Work - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Leave-How-Happy-Work/dp/1913068080 >>>Listen to Samantha on Do You Live Life, or Does Life Live You‪? - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/love-it-or-leave-it/id1214712907?i=1000504532605 >>>Listen to Samantha on What's next for me‪? - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/love-it-or-leave-it/id1214712907?i=1000503307113


Connect with Samantha Clarke:


>>>Discover Love It or Leave It on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_loveitleaveit_/?hl=en >>>Connect with Samantha on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samanthaand_/?hl=en >>>Find out all about Love It or Leave It - http://www.loveitleaveit.co/ >>>Follow Samantha on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/clarkesl/


>>>Order my new book LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT or watch my TEDx Talk