On this episode of Love It or Leave it Samantha Clarke interviews Emma Sexton from Make Your Words Work. Listen as we discuss all the magical things around how to build a business with empathy, what a disruptive agency model is. And all the issues that come up when you're trying to build a business in one way when everyone's going in a completely different direction.


“I don’t think anybody should put up with a bad work life, work should be somewhere that you thrive.” - Emma




4.02 - Find out how Emma set up her agency

7.59 - How does one start to instil trust?

12.21 - Every moment of unhappiness is a new business venture waiting to be born 

18.35 - Emma reveals what she thinks the future of work will be

26.40 - Do women find it harder to have the confidence to trust your gut?

33.28 - Discover what is the best piece of advice Emma has received?

36.48 - What would Emma love or leave behind?



Connect with Emma Sexton


>>>Follow Emma on Twitter >>>Check out Emma’s website >>>Connect with Emma on LinkedIn >>>Follow Emma on Instagram


Resources: (books, products, websites, other podcasts)


>>>Read Samantha Clarke’s book - Love It Or Leave It: How to Be Happy at Work >>>Read Frederic Laloux - Reinventing Organizations >>>Read Jason Fried - Remote: Office Not Required >>>Read Dame Stephanie Shirley CH - Let It Go: My Extraordinary Story - From Refugee to Entrepreneur to Philanthropist



Connect with Samantha Clarke:


>>>Discover Love It or Leave It on Instagram >>>Connect with Samantha on Instagram >>>Find out all about Love It or Leave It >>>Follow Samantha on Linkedin

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