I heard Victor Antonio at Full Throttle Experience last year. He delivered an inspiring program - about personal finance. Yep, he spoke about personal finance, and he kept my attention and earned a standing ovation - talking about personal finance. To say that was unexpected is an understatement.

I asked Vic if he'd have a conversation with me after he came off the stage, and I'm delighted he said yes. I think you will be too.

Victor Antonio is inspiring, insightful and helpful in all he shares and does. He entertained me during this conversation and I know you'll enjoy it too. We talk about sales, being on TV, and our mutual friend Mike Domitrz of the Date Safe Project.

In addition to all the insights he shares, he shares an embarrassing story about hugging the amazing Zig Ziglar - and his wife Jean too.

Listen all the way to the end, Victor tells you how to get all his books - for FREE! Visit him at http://sellingergroup.com

About Victor Antonio

A poor upbringing from one of the roughest areas of Chicago didn't stop Victor from earning a B.S. Electrical Engineering, an MBA and building a 20 year career as a top sales executive and becoming President of Global Sales and Marketing for a $420M company.

As Vice President of International Sales in a Fortune 500 $3B corporation at the time, he was selected from over 500 sales managers to join the President’s Advisory Council for excellence in sales and management.

He has shared the stage with top business speakers: Rudy Giuliani, Zig Ziglar, Paul Otellini (CEO of Intel), and John May (CEO of FedEx Kinkos). He's the author of 12 books on sales and motivation and recently released his Seminars On Selling course with 200+ sales training videos.

Advice for new speakers Join Toastmasters Buy the Wealthy Speaker book from Jane Atkinson Pick your niche Learn more from Victor Antonio Watch some terrific sales training on Victor's YouTube channel Follow Victor on Twitter Buy some sales training videos from Victor

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