Flying solo today as I share a few thoughts of what's been going on behind the scenes, events that have unfolded this week.

I talk about systemic and overt racism, white silence in the wellness communities and friendship circles, why it happens so often and why it is so palpable and painful. The impact of bias reporting in media.  I also talk about white women and black women, & the risk of speaking your truth in these friendships. Plus the power of apology and why it's often those closest to us who struggle with these two powerful words the most.

Content warning: In parts of this episode I am discussing overt racism and the murder of 25 year old young black man Ahmaud Arbery. Please be mindful and practice self care if you are BIPOC.

References in the episode

Brilliant Podcast with Brené Brown and Harriet Lerner on the art of apologising:

Anti Racism Course:

Courageous Courage - Ally Edition:

Article by John Pavlovitz:

IGTV from Susan Ateh:

Nova's Tedx Talk: