Megan Jerome is a really special musician with a wonderful creative voice. In this episode you’ll hear her perform some of the songs from her new up-coming album, which will be the seventh album of her original compositions. We also talk about her unique and inspiring teaching style, her experiences through some very difficult personal losses, some ways she has found healing and connection, and her song-writing process. Timestamps below. 

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Megan Jerome: "And the thing is, what I encourage people to do is, "Don't do the competitions. Don't do anything like that. You can set up a venue in your living room. You can set up a venue anywhere. There's room for everyone. There are so many potential venues. There are so many people who love music. There's so much room." That's one of the big thing, this idea that there's room for one person, this is a real fallacy. It's nothing like that. Artists are friends. We're not competing with each other. We're on the same side. But that's in my view. You know what I mean? Those are the people that work for me. A community really works. Who's your community? Go to their shows. They'll come to your show."

photo credit: Allan Dean Photography


(00:00:32) intro to song “Flora”

(00:03:52) song-writing process

(00:09:43) creating “Home Brew”

(00:12:00) song “Home Brew”

(00:16:28) childhood and family

(00:18:10) learning piano, accordion

(00:24:01) The Together Ensemble, husband Mike Essoudry

(00:27:33) Julia Cameron “The Artist Way”, Sonia Choquette, home life

(00:29:52) Megan’s way of practicing

(00:31:13) Teaching

(00:36:06) teaching improvisation and encouraging creativity

(00:40:57) teaching online strategies

(00:46:33) New Orleans and dealing with grief

(01:04:37) why did she study mining engineering?

(01:09:11) advice for singer-songwriters