This is a special bonus Catch-Up episode with singer-songwriter Megan Jerome. Today is also the release of my conversation with her husband, the jazz drummer Mike Essoudry. In this short episode, you’ll hear how Megan fell in love with Mike, as well as about the creation of her new album “Love” with the Together Ensemble including two songs from the album, “Hot Pink Heart”, and “Isn’t Life Grand”. She also talked about some valuable mentorship that helped her secure funding for the album. Megan’s original episode as well as this catch-up bonus are linked together with the video and podcast versions, and the transcripts:

Mike Essoudry, podcast, video and transcript:

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photo: JC Batista


(00:00) Intro

(01:34) how Megan and Mike Essoudry fell in love

(03:56) “Isn’t Life Grand” Megan Jerome and the Together Ensemble

(08:37) Megan’s new album “Love”, release plan, funding Canada Council and City of Ottawa

(14:30) Vel Omazic and Canada Music Incubators

(17:34) “Hot Pink Heart” Megan Jerome and the Together Ensemble