This is a short bonus episode in my "Inspiring Excerpts" series, featuring the wonderful violinist Kerson Leong, in which he gives great advice for not only musicians, but anyone striving to live a more meaningful and mindful life. 

The full episode is here, available in podcast format and soon with the full transcript: 

Virtuoso violinist Kerson Leong is as eloquent in his musicality as in the way he talks about music and violin playing. I trust that a broad audience will take inspiration from this wide-ranging discussion. At the beginning of the full episode we are treated to an impromptu performance of Ysayë's Allemande from Violin Sonata no. 4. This conversation was recorded June 15, 2021.  Kerson has many upcoming performances, all of which can be found on his website here:

Please consider helping me continue this series!