The internationally renowned guitarist Derek Gripper  is famous for his groundbreaking technique for evoking the West African kora on the guitar. During this episode you’ll get to hear Derek play quite a bit and you will hear his wonderful insights on how we listen to and learn music, the influence of  Montessori and Alexander Technique in his life, his reflections on important collaborations in his career and his perspectives on changes that have been imposed on creators and performers. 

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(00:00:00) Introduction (00:01:45) Bach guitar music with intro (00:04:00)  carnatic music studies, album with tabla player Udai Mazumdar (00:06:12) structural improvisation, Bach (00:08:18) Alexander Technique (00:15:28) violin studies (00:16:24) Derek's recording approach (00:20:30) “Billly Goes to Durban” (00:21:28)  kora music, Toumani Diabaté (00:25:18) “Tubaka” guitar music (00:26:36) Derek’s transcriptions, Zoom classes (00:30:12)  online music economy, Derek’s experiences with selling albums, Platoon label (00:35:35) Montessori method and teaching guitar (00:39:38) "A Year of Swimming" (00:41:34) Alex Van Heerden, “Sagtevlei”, Steve Reich, Bryan Bolton (00:45:36) Guy Buttery and different collaborations (00:48:12) South Africa and COVID’s economic ramifications (00:49:43) Madosini (00:52:06)  World Music as a genre and marketing tool (00:58:23) Derek’s style of performing (01:00:31) mental health, touring, mindset with Alexander Technique inhibition and internal resistance (01:04:42) "Seeing Nobody" guitar music (01:07:00) reflections on Derek’s career, being South African, John Williams, Lucy Duran (01:11:30) Derek’s guitars, Paul Galbraith Brahms guitar, “Bloomdorns”, Hermann Hauser, just intonation and bending notes, oud, lute, veena,  (01:17:36) Derek’s advice and reflections on too much input

photo: Luke Young