Stick with us for this panel (it was Kyle’s favorite). Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) will fundamentally change human, business, and government relationships in ways that we cannot possibly understand yet. This panel features the three most important companies building ZKPs: Zcash, Coda, and Starkware.

Panel participants include Kyle Samani of Multicoin Capital; Uri Kolodny, a Co-Founder and CEO at StarkWare Industries, a company working to improve scalability and privacy in blockchains using STARK technology; Evan Shapiro, the CEO at Coda, the first cryptocurrency with a constant-sized blockchain; and Josh Swihart (the winner of the best impromptu demonstration award), a Vice President at the Zcash Company, which supports the development of the Zcash cryptocurrency — a privacy-protecting, digital currency built on strong science.

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