I bet you might have even watched Susan Cain's viral video on Ted.com. So far it has 3 million plus views and growing everyday.

Susan has written a wonderful book on the assets and struggles of being an introvert. She is a self confessed introvert, I took the test on her website, and I also am an overwhelming introvert. So what is the scoop on these interesting creatures that don't appear to fit into society as well as the extroverts do? What can, and do, they bring to the table? Talents & gifts that go unnoticed, and unrecognized, in a society that seems to only reward boisterous, loud, "squeaky-wheel-gets-the-grease" kind of behavior.

Susan explains how in America's early days the strong, silent, pensive, type was a big part of where new innovations came from in this country. While the extroverts are the face, the introverts are the brains. (my words not hers) Why? Because they have more time for thinking....

Both personality types bring an equally important value to the table. But in recent years it appears the introvert's value has decreased, I believe, at the sacrifice of new and innovative technology in America. That, and the fact that many 1st & 2nd grade classes were strewn about with 3/4 of the kids on Ritalin. That pretty much snuffs out creativity and critical thinking, but that's a story for another time.

Get her book! Susan Cain is "right on" with everything. People love her and what she has to say.

Get Susan's book Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking at your local book store & online at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Power-Introverts-World-Talking/dp/0307352145

Susan's Power Of Introverts Website is: http://www.thepowerofintroverts.com/

Watch her Ted.com talk too: http://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts.html

And on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorSusanCain
