I realize that I've been "off the grid" as it were for the past few weeks.  So I decided to make this quick update to explain what happened and then I had the bright idea to contact The Jennifer Sisters.  The results were decidedly mixed.  For anyone familiar with the Jennifer Sisters, you know that they are an incredibly omnipresent entertainment act in the Mirillion Galaxy and they are notoriously jealous of anyone else who tries to do any kind of performing arts.  They are also unbelievably litigious.  Recently there was a hullabaloo regarding them trying to shut down a perfectly lovely folk dancing festival on the planet "David".  I figured I'd ask them about it and try to mediate.  Unfortunately there is a language barrier and no Earthling can possibly understand them.  Additionally they seem incapable of acknowledging that there are two of them as you will see here.  In any case I do think it is important to post this interaction as it will be the first audio of any other Mirillion beings any of you will have heard.   Next week I'll be back with a longer conversation with journalist Katie Halper that I believe you will enjoy quite a lot.