KG speaks with Dr. Cuurivan about her new book "H.O.P.E. - Healing Our People & Earth." Conversations is sponsored by organic aromatherapy..... Dr. Currivan's new book H.O.P.E. has been called THE book to read about THE SHIFT. Dr. Currivan is an internationally acclaimed scientist, healer, cosmologist and best-selling author with a lifetime study of consciousness and metaphysics. Dr. Currivan holds a PhD in Archaeology, having researched ancient cosmologies, and a Masters Degree in Physics, studying quantum physics and cosmology at Oxford University..... Dr. Currivan has also worked with and learned from the shamans and elders of many wisdom traditions and is the author of "The Wave," "The 8th Chakra," "The 13th Step," and co-author with Dr. Ervin Laszlo of "CosMos: a Co-creator’s Guide to the Whole World published by Hay House. To learn more about Dr. Jude Currivan and her work and sign-up for her free newsletter please her website: