TODAY I speak with New York Times Best-selling author Dr. Eldon Taylor about his new book "Gotcha!"

Your mind is precious. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Your mind can function as a healer or saboteur. The full power of the mind is still not known, but what we do know is that it can easily be manipulated to serve other agendas if you are not self aware and learn to think for yourself.

As you know I’m forever teaching about the power of the mind to create your reality. Your decisions are at the heart of connecting with your passion, doing what you love and living your own true greatness.

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.’ -Tony Robbins
Recently I had the pleasure to interview New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Eldon Taylor, on ‘Conversations to Enlighten Heal’ to talk about his new book, Gotcha!

On the show Eldon and I get down to the heart of some of humanity’s most pressing dilemmas and came to some startling realizations that you definitely want to know about.

Inner conflict is often the evidence that you are not being true to yourself.

On the show you’ll find out how your decision making process is being managed and manipulated by others and what you can do about it. The quest for discovering your real self will become exponentially more easy when you discover what is happening and what you can do about it.

To claim your ideas and beliefs as being solidly your own you must examine them in the ways presented in my conversation with Eldon and in his new book, Gotcha.