Dr. Lynne Hurdle is a communication expert and conflict resolution strategist, as well as a diversity and inclusion facilitator and speaker. She has over 40 years of experience in the field and combines culture and conflict to create dynamic leadership models. Lynne specializes in utilizing creative processes to teach everyday skills that can be used to navigate difficult conversations and create more effective leaders. She is the author of the best selling book, Closing Conflict for Leaders, which offers authentic and actionable ways for leaders to resolve conflict. Lynne designed an online forum, The Soul of Conflict Summit, where she creates healthy dialogue around conflict and healing inner wounds. 


In today’s episode, host Shay Beider talks with Dr. Lynne Hurdle to discuss conflict resolution using her CORE acronym: Communication, Objectivity, Resolving Conflicts and Executing Excellence. They discuss the importance of communication in uncomfortable situations and how being present and engaging in problem solving can be of benefit. Lynne shares that embracing conversation around conflict is key and plays a crucial role in diversity and inclusion. They also dive into how conflict and discrimination can be amplified in the workplace when people are not consciously engaging in open dialogue and learning. Finally, Lynne shares some of her powerful personal experiences and explains valuable lessons she has learned along the way.


Transcripts for this episode are available at: https://www.integrativetouch.org/conversations-on-healing 


Show Notes:

Read Closing Conflict

Listen to Lynne’s TEDxWomen talk

Check out “On the Matters of Race Summit” here


This podcast was created by Integrative Touch, which is working to change the way people experience healthcare. A leader in the field of pediatric integrative medicine, the organization supports families whose children have any type of special health or medical need. This includes kids with cancers, genetic conditions, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic stress, and other serious health issues. The founder, Shay Beider, pioneered a new therapy called Integrative Touch™Therapy that supports healing from trauma and serious illness. The organization reaches thousands of people each year in hospitals and communities and offers unique Telehealth programs to families and healthcare providers during this challenging time. Thanks to the incredible support of volunteers and contributors, we are overjoyed to announce that the Integrative Touch Healing Center will open in early 2023, serving more than 3,000 individuals in the first year.