Sky Nelson-Isaacs is a physicist, musician and author of several books. His books “Leap to Wholeness: How the World is Programmed to Help Us Grow, Heal, and Adapt,” and “Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World” capture the essence of his work combining science and mindfulness. He is the founder of the Synchronicity Institute, which works to use the law of physics applied with the science of consciousness in order to help individuals create change in their lives. Using these practices, he makes connections between the challenges faced in everyday life and how these provide a larger context to the events in our lives.  


In this episode, Sky talks about his background in music and how his journey with mental health has led to the discovery of self compassion. He describes how he has developed the ability to see the importance of his inner response to outer circumstances.  Sky also shares the concept of relationship quantum mechanics, and how this is linked with the power of choice. By harnessing the power behind these connections, people are able to form and shape their reality. With this understanding, Sky has been able to describe the idea of synchronicity and how the events in the world come together to create wholeness. 

Transcripts for this episode are available at: 


Show Notes:

Read more about Sky Nelson-Isaacs Find out about Synchronicity Institute  “Leap to Wholeness: How the World is Programmed to Help Us Grow, Heal, and Adapt” “Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World”


This podcast was created by Integrative Touch for Kids (ITK). ITK is working to change the way people experience healthcare. ITK supports families whose children have any type of special health or medical need. This includes kids with cancers, genetic conditions, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic stress, and other serious health issues. We have pioneered a new therapy called Integrative Touch™ and reach 3500 people each year in the hospital and community settings. We engage communities in support of families struggling with special medical needs and offer unique Telehealth programs to families and healthcare providers during this challenging time. Thanks to the incredible support of our volunteers and contributors, individuals are able to receive our healing services at little or no cost.