Chris starts the podcast without Andrew, and then proceeds to catch up with things, then they make remarks about the government failures, Titus, security leaks, employee leaks, DRM, robots vs. humans, trolls, REST, Linux kernel structure, and user feedback.

Chris starts the podcast without Andrew, and then proceeds to catch up with things, then they make remarks about the government failures, Titus, security leaks, employee leaks, DRM, robots vs. humans, trolls, REST, Linux kernel structure, and user feedback.


Project Twentieth Century: Planning | the Andrew Bailey
xkcd: Open Letter
Size Comparison – Science Fiction spaceships by DirkLoechel on deviantART
Letter from the Chairman: $21 Million! – Roberts Space Industries
Archaeology: The milk revolution : Nature News & Comment
October 2013 private data security issue – Meta
10 Ways To Lose Your Best Employees | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
W3C green-lights adding DRM to the Web’s standards, says it’s OK for your browser to say “I can’t let you do that, Dave” – Boing Boing
923590 – Pledge never to implement HTML5 DRM
Internet Explorer Dev Center
Rob Conery | Web development with Ruby on Rails, Node, and Whatever Bleeds. Co-owner/Founder of Tekpub, Creator of This Developer’s Life
Humans Trump Robots at the Grocery Store –
next generation video: Introducing Daala part 4
Patent Troll Lodsys Settles for Nothing to Avoid Trial | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Did Shutting Down Silk Road Make the World a More Dangerous Place? – Conor Friedersdorf – The Atlantic
Silk Road’s Dread Pirate, Ross Ulbricht, asked Stack Overflow question under real name.
Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM’s Watson Dethroned the King of Search? | Wired Opinion |
That grumpy BSD guy: The Hail Mary Cloud And The Lessons Learned
Unbundling: AOL, Facebook and LinkedIn — Benedict Evans
Using HTTP Verbs in a REST Web API – Michel Triana
Anatomy of the Linux kernel
Curiosity (rover) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coding Horror: International Backup Awareness Day
Schlock Mercenary – Archives – Friday October 4, 2013


Bump Foot – Releases – foot132
MrSolidSnake745’s Floppy Drive Orchestra (Sons of Skyrim Remake, He’s A Pirate, Little Fugue; used with permission)

This episode of Control Structure has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #149: CS #47: The Linear Path!

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