Steven finally joins Andrew face to face to talk about how everyone hates Chrome, improved TLS, PCs, GIMP, inefficient software, Microsoft, Newegg, and Linux.

Steven finally joins Andrew face to face to talk about how everyone hates Chrome, improved TLS, PCs, GIMP, inefficient software, Microsoft, Newegg, and Linux.


An open governance model for the AMP Project – Accelerated Mobile Pages Project
881410 – Incorrect transforms when stripping subdomains – chromium – Monorail
Google Groups
Google Wants to Kill the URL | WIRED
Chrome 69 ties Google services with browser login – SlashGear
Troy Hunt: Extended Validation Certificates are Dead
Encrypting SNI: Fixing One of the Core Internet Bugs
draft-ietf-tls-esni-01 – Encrypted Server Name Indication for TLS 1.3
ESNI: A Privacy-Protecting Upgrade to HTTPS | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The ‘Post-PC Era’ Never Really Happened…and Likely Won’t – Tech.pinions
GIMP receives a $100K donation – GIMP
Software disenchantment @
Internet of Shit (@internetofshit) | Twitter
Another Week with Bad Software
Microsoft tests ‘warning’ Windows 10 users not to install Chrome or Firefox – The Verge
Another Victim of the Magecart Assault Emerges: Newegg
Linux 4.19-rc4 released, an apology, and a maintainership note – Linus Torvalds
​Linux adds a code of conduct for programmers | ZDNet

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Bump Foot – Releases – foot132
instrumentals | tryad

This episode of Control Structure has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #495: CS #148 — Bloody Mary Was That Bad!

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