Steven returns and joins Andrew to talk about 64 gigs of RAM, cars, CCleaner, Apache, DNS, Adblock, Firefox, Java, Equifax (again), refresh buttons, and some love and hate.

Steven returns and joins Andrew to talk about 64 gigs of RAM, cars, CCleaner, Apache, DNS, Adblock, Firefox, Java, Equifax (again), refresh buttons, and some love and hate.


Salvaging Your Way to a Working Tesla Model S for $6500 | Hackaday


Cisco’s Talos Intelligence Group Blog: CCleanup: A Vast Number of Machines at Risk
Optionsbleed – HTTP OPTIONS method can leak Apache’s server memory | The Fuzzing Project
Google Online Security Blog: Behind the Masq: Yet more DNS, and DHCP, vulnerabilities
International Backup Awareness Day
37,000 Chrome users downloaded a fake Adblock Plus extension
The whole web at maximum FPS: How WebRender gets rid of jank ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
JDK 9 GA Release
Java SE Development Kit 9 – Downloads
Java EE 8 and GlassFish 5.0 Released! | Oracle The Aquarium Blog
Playing APK Golf
ongoing by Tim Bray · Refresh Is Sacred
On my Charles F. Jenkins Lifetime Achievement Award – Leonardo Chiariglione | Blog

Appreciate Deprecate

Tools and utilities for Windows
Robot Check


Bump Foot – Releases – foot132
little things | C418
Music | tryad

This episode of Control Structure has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #445: CS #135 — Fun Kicked!

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