The Customer Experience, The Power of Moments what does that mean?

Today we have an awesome talk for you. We will be talking about this book by the Heath brother, Chip and Dan Heath; The Power of Moments, it’s all about the Customer Experience.

The only thing that your competition can’t steal from you is the customer experience. The takeaways from the book that I think is amazing is how we implement customer experience, that WOW factor to our business.

 Creating interactive moments with your customers even with your employees. People can put up with the whole harmony in an average. What you want is to have a stellar experience. A set of interaction that continuously outdo the expectations of each customer that comes in to your business. The experience is what pushes your customers on the edge. The customer experience, the customer service, is all that you have.

 There must be something that makes the customer happy, makes them come back. And with this being said we should have an exemplary communication with them. Pretty much everyone sells the same thing but we need to show everyone involved that we want to keep the customers happy, we want to make the customers come back. The communication starts with:

Having the customer be aware of the company meaning the person who had attended to their needs, the process that will take for them to get what they had ordered from you in the beginning. Little details make a big difference. Next up would be the closer and the processor sends out a video email. In this part of the communication, Introduction is very important. Branding your company while greeting your customer is going to be very explicit to them. Personalization and Attentiveness. We now send a proposal. We send a thank you card. A follow up is also needed. Within this part of the communication, you can send a personalized card or email showing a little bit of your biography to make the customer feel a little bit better. (Remember, it’s your customer who keeps your business a float, profitable; keeps people come back and forth, more referrals because you did a good job, whatever the case may be). Creating that extra experience and keeping in touch.


Translating the experience, you get from others to your business so that it won’t look like a business towards your clients. This will make your customers check your reviews, your feedback and it will be your defining moment because this is how you get them check you out and have that WOW factor when they transact with you. Appreciate your customers then go that extra mile to serve them because you will deepen your relationship and they will feel how much they are valued in your company, in your care. It’s all about how you take care of your customers and that is one extra magnificent customer service.






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