My guest today is Tom Hopkins it’s a real pleasure having Tom on the show we are going to chat about Goal Setting and how goal setting is can be you blueprint for success.

Tom is recognized as the top sales trainer the number one sales trainer in the United States having over 5 million people attending his training events.

I have read many of Tom Hopkin books and been through a number of his Audio courses. (cassette Courses) That tells you how old I am.

 We’re winding down this year and coming up to the end of the year and  many of us have set most of our goals  for this year and we can do some final adjustments, to help us reach the goals and projections we set in place last year for this year. This year is “pretty much “over.

It’s that time of the year to star planning ahead for next years

Family goals Spiritual goals Financial goals Business goals. Health goals

Tom Hopkins says that our life is like a huge blueprint and for that blueprint to work it has to be planned out and drawn out just as if you were going to build a house.

If you can’t see what the end result is how do you know what you are going to build.

Imagine wanting to build yourself a nice 4-bedroom house with 3 bath rooms and a 2 car garage.

You want to start building right away so you call the lumber company and tell them you want to order the wood for the house.  They are going to ask you how much wood do you want.

No, they are going to ask you for the blueprint so they will know exactly how much wood you will need,

Without a blueprint you can’t build your dream home

Without a blueprint you can’t build your dream life or your dream business.

This next year is coming up fast I can’t believe this year is almost over everything goes by so fast. and before you know it will be over and if we don’t make the time to draw out that blueprint for the future we will end up exactly we didn’t plan to be, nowhere.

How can we get mad at the results if we never took the time to plan the future?

As business owners we should take time to sit down and just take an hour total get away from everyone and if we are married sit with our spouse and say okay, “here’s what happened this last year, here’s what we made, here’s the income, here’s our profit, here’s our goals and we reach them.

Then they have to really sit down lay out a plan to get there, like a blueprint which is how you build a building.

What do you want to happen with your business, your growth, your profitability, your employees, your systems? Not just think about what you want but make a list of things you don’t want just like you would when designing you home.

This is your future.

Make that appointment with yourself put it on the calendar and make sure you make that appointment.

Commit it to paper and go over it regularly be committed to your future.

Go to Tom Hopkins site! There a ton of tools to help you sell …

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