It’s all about getting into the conversation early, direct response marketing. Contractors have been using run of the mill flyers for years and they are fine, but Direct Response marketing requires that any marketing materials do more than provide a list of services, they HAVE to have some kind of call to action.

The call to action means that someone is prompted to do something after they see the website, magazine ad or postcard.

Today’s contractor marketing podcast is with Tara Jacobsen of Marketing Artfully.

Tara has been in marketing since 1999, starting at a web hosting company, which at the time she barely knew what the internet was, let alone the technical backend of how websites work. Over the last 15 years she has spent way more than the 10,000 hours required to get really good at marketing, currently providing speaking and consulting services for small businesses, real estate and manufacturing industries.

What Is Direct Response Marketing

Contractors have been using run of the mill flyers for years and they are fine, but Direct Response marketing requires that any marketing materials do more than provide a list of services, they HAVE to have some kind of call to action. The call to action means that someone is prompted to do something after they see the website, magazine ad or postcard.

Direct response is not a kind of marketing but a style of marketing where your focus is to have something happen after the advertising piece is seen. It can be as “normal” as a coupon in a magazine ad, although this is not optimal as discount ads bring in customers who are shopping, looking for a bargain. These types of customers are “right now” buyers.

As long as there is a rock-solid plan to turn these price shoppers into repeat or ongoing customers, everything is great. Tara mentioned that she has had numerous contractors and trade people come into her home and has only ever had one send anything after the visit. Some suggestions she had for example were a chimney cleaner could send a follow up with:

Postcard thanking her for her business A magnet that she could put on her refrigerator with the company contact info and phone number Wintertime chimney weather-proofing tips A personal thank you note

Getting repeat business from current customers who are used to paying you truly is picking the low-hanging fruit!

Even though Tara came in on a discount coupon, they could have easily turned her into a repeat shopper for an annual fireplace checkup (but they



There are so many ways to do almost free marketing you just have to think about it or you could just go to the web site and pick up the free download. 


4 Hot Marketing Strategies That Can Flood Your Business with Customers  


If you have a story to tell and would like to be a guest on this podcast email my assistant Shell at [email protected]   and she will send you our guest sheet.  


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