Culture what is it, does your business have one? Gerald J. Leonard understands the challenges that business owners face as they struggle with culture confusion, too many number one priorities, lacking consensus among key leaders and misalignment of their mission, vision, and values.

 He is an international expert on the topics of Developing a Culture That Works, Strategy Implementation, and Project Portfolio Management and is also a professional bassist. He is the author of Culture Is The Bass: 7 Principles for Developing A Culture That Works and has an upcoming book, Symphonic Culture: Unify, Strategize, and Execute Collectively for Optimum Results

Culture is the intangible and almost emotional connection that people have with a company or family or organization. Gerald thinks culture is the foundation of the place where you get great music baselines. It creates a framework of the bass and it’s like the physical bond that all other women who have similar cultures. It has different cultures that propelled people away from each other. Each influences our perspective and it also causes the characters of the organization.

VISSION: Every business, every organization, every family and every individual has created. Has some form a culture of how they are living. It really boils down to their overall vision for their life.

VALUES: This is how they live now and they are made here which creates this culture. A culture that is pleasant, exciting, fun, and serving helpful art that can be one that’s very toxic but everyone has. And sometimes, people are not sure how they develop them.

MISSION: If people have a business, they should want to have an organization that they want to grow. Having people that will be loyal to them consistently. Meaning having a positive attitude of employees which relates to the culture of the company.

The key learning here is discipline. People need to have a clear vision or a clear track of where they want to go. They need to look those three things. People have to step back and visualize “What do we want our culture to be?”.

 One way to do that has the business owners ask their customers since they know their clients and what they want. These questions will be your core values which are going to help business owners implement into their system, whether it’s integrity whether it’s customer service first, whether it’s excellence in each branch certifications, these are the things that customers admire and what business owners will have to live for.

At times it does call for some challenging times where business owners have people on their team that doesn’t realize they don’t live according to these, sadly they would need part ways with these set of people in order to maintain the vision, values, and mission that they have for their company.

 Critical decisions are made because everything needs to be aligned to really make a difference. A good company culture takes work to build an anchor for a long-term sustainable business.

In terms of hiring, a company needs to be able to hire people that  fit into their culture. Meaning they could already see that the person is able to transform after developing the skills they have and understanding the story behind the company. They understand the vision, the values that the owner has for the company. It doesn’t have to be complicated, each of them should be able to share their best practices.

 The proper mindset to be able to do the job. Because companies want to be set by people who can tough it out but at the same time will always have the same mentality in understanding the main vision and values of the company. And that is their accountability.

It’s very important for each person to be able to hold the core values and criteria of the company because then they truly understand the culture of whom they are working for and what the company can do for them in return. And that’s what a good business is.

You may visit this website for more details about Gerald J. Leonard:



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