How do we get chosen over the competition? We must stop thinking about comparing apples to apples. We really need to set up our proposals so that our customer only has to choose between you, you and you.

By giving our potential customers options, that’s how we get them to compare apples to oranges and pick you, you or you.

Many of us come in to this sales process and we say we need to compare apples to apples. If you can't compare apples to apples and you know that you may lose, why not move the process and make the whole process into your favor?

We want to compete on value not price and we've talked about this many, many times before you want to compete on value.

Let's take it another step further let's say.

We're going to offer more than one way to get the job done so we're going to give him multiple options on pricing.

If you have one offer then the potential customer will have two choices, your competition or no. And you don't want to do that.

How do I make my proposal more attractive?

You want to give them choices, we will use my painting business as an example.

3 choices never 4 choices that is too many however if they want to modify between two choices that you have. Now you have a winner because they are moving in a forward direction to doing business with you.

So, let’s say we give them the 3 choices.

Interior painting, no moving of furniture Interior painting, no moving of furniture, maintenance program. Interior painting, Moving all the furniture, and a maintenance program.

I going to say the important thing here is when you list out the actual scope of work you put everything in, how many square foot of wall space to be painted all the preparation, everything to the smallest detail.

There are 2 keys here the detail in the scope of work, so they can actually feel the work being done and refrain from putting the price next to the proposed work.

I know this is different but hear me out.

Create the proposal without the price, a, b and c on page 2 do an overview and put the price there. Why you ask?

So they can choose what they like before looking at the price.

We all tend to look to the right and decide on the price before we even look at the scope of the work.     

Let’s change it up, let’s get them deciding what they want done before they see the price and then the price may not really be a factor.

What if you closed an extra 10% of your proposals by changing it up.

Go figure out what that would mean to the bottom line of your profits.

Just one small micro change can add thousands of dollars to your bottom line,

There are so many ways to do almost free marketing you just have to think about it or you could just go to the web site and pick up the free download.

4 Hot Marketing Strategies That Can Flood Your Business with Customers

If you have a story to tell and would like to be a guest on this podcast email my assistant Shell at [email protected]   and she will send you our guest sheet.


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