
Stupidity by Albert Nerenberg

November 20, 2008 15:51

Stupidity by Albert Nerenberg http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2599954293614654567 "Stupidity is an action-packed comic exploration of the issue of willful stupidity in the modern world. Stupidity sets out to determine whether our culture is hooked on deliberate ignorance as a strategy for success. From Adam Sandler to George W. Bush, from the IQ test to TV programming, to the origins of the word moron, Stupidity examines the "dumbing down" of contemporary culture. Stupidity emba...

Episode 00: When the Waters Changed

September 10, 2008 04:23

Using a story associated with Dhul Nun we begin what (hopefully) will be a sucessful test of my podcasting skills. Download the MP3 of this Show

Like Laying Down in the Gutter

March 12, 2008 21:11

This is a little piece of Intellectual Property Squatting as a precursor to a new project to begin towards the end of the month.