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Anti-Jewish prejudice existed before Islam and before Christianity. Opinions critical of Jews were recorded in ancient, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

To discuss the issue of anti-Jewish hatred, or the "A" word, I am joined via Skype, with Israeli cartoonist, Yaakov Kirschen, creator of the Dry Bones comic strip. Dry Bones is internationally syndicated and has been in publication in the Jerusalem Post and other outlets for over 40 years. Dry Bones has been quoted or reprinted by the NY Times, Time magazine, LA Times, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Times of London, The Guardian and CNN among others. Kirschen is the author of a Yale University paper on the use of Antisemitic codes in political cartoons.

The interview with Yaakov Kirschen is followed by an audio segment from a classroom recording of my late father, Dr. David Neiman on the topic of historical anti-Semitism.

- Becky Neiman