In this episode, Marcelo Lewin, a Certified Contentful Professional and Senior Content Architect, has a conversation all about Content Modeling with Raul Salido, a Solution Delivery Manager based in San Francisco at Contentful. Raul and Marcelo get into the details of content modeling including design and development, structured vs unstructured content, how to create scalable content, how to best model for a developer friendly experience and more!


Questions Asked


Tell us about your background.

What is Content Modeling?

What does it mean to have a blueprint?

Why is it hard for people to grasp content modeling?

Do people sometimes mix up design with content modeling?

What's the difference between structured and unstructured content?

Is structured content self describing?

Are there any best practices for content modeling?

What does it mean to create a scalable content model?

What's the difference between Content, Layout, Design and Context.

What does it mean to have Single Source of Truth?

What is COPE?

How is Single Source of Truth implemented in Contentful?

Any tips for brainstorming the content model?

Can you provide tips for creating scalable content?

When should we use a reference field vs. a regular field?

When can you use a boolean field type in Contentful?

Rich Text Fields vs Long Text Fields with Markdown? Which to use?

What's the maximum depth for embedded reference fields in Contentful?

Any new Contentful authoring features you can share with us?

What is micro copy?

What are your thoughts on using micro copy to store tool tips in Contentful?

Should we use the media field type or build our own custom content media type?

How do make the content model developer friendly?