In this episode, I have a conversation with Teemu Tammela, a software developer, Contentful Certified Professional and creator and co-host DJ of Premium House Music Podcast.  Our topic today is all about creating a website that runs on Contentful and Ruby.

The following questions were asked:

Tell us about yourself.
Tell us about your podcast website.
What does it mean to be a Certified Contentful Professional?
Why did you switch from PHP to Contentful and Ruby?
Why did you go with a CMS versus custom PHP?
Why did you choose Ruby as your language of choice?
Can you compare and contrast Ruby and PHP?
Is Ruby a friendly language for people just starting to do web development?
What is Ruby on Rails?
Are there other frameworks developers can choose for Ruby?
What is the difference between the Sinatra and Ruby Frameworks?
A developer will either use Ruby or Sinatra, not both correct?
How is Rails opinonated versus Sinatra?
What is Padrino?
Why did you use Padrino on top of Sinatra?
What are the template helpers in Padrino?
What is Grunt?
Does the Contentful Ruby SDK support the full CMAPI?
Does the Contentful Ruby SDK support the CDAPI or Image API?
Are there any features you'd like to see Contentful add to their Ruby SDK?
Would you ever considering switching to a Javascript based framework?
Tell us about your content model in Contenfful for your podcast site.
Can you tell us more about the 4 content types you created and why?
What are some hosting solutions for Contentful and Ruby driven sites?
Describe your backend architecture? Is it SSG driven?
Do you use Git?
Any tips for scaling Contentful applications?