In this episode I chat all about JAMstack with my guest Brian Rinaldi, a developer advocate at Stackbit who focuses on helping developers build Jamstack apps.


Questions Asked


Tell us about your background.  How did you become a developer?

How did you get into JAMStack?

Since you worked with Adobe, did you work at all with ColdFusion?

What is StackBit and what do you do there?

Tell us about your book on Static Site Generators.

Define JAMStack. What is it?

Is JAMStack a framework or a technical architecture?

What is Netlify and what is its involvement with JAMStack?

Is JAMStack mainly client side?

How would an example Login page work with JAMStack?

In a JAMStack app, where do you normally keep the API keys?

What makes JAMStack different from other type of technical architectures?

What's the relationship between Netlify, Gatsby and JAMStack?

What's NextJS and how does it compare to Gatsby?

Explain what Jekyll, Hugo and Pelican are?

What are some positives of JAMStack?

What are some challenges with JAMStack?

What are some good cases for JAMStack?

What are some cases where you would not use JAMStack?

How do you make JAMStack scalable?

Guide us through a JAMStack application workflow.

How is GIT involved in a JAMStack application?

Does JAMStack support GraphQL?

Can you deploy to your own local server?

Can you tell us about configuration files in a JAMStack app?

What about template files and template languages?

Can you use TypeScript in JAMStack?

What's Node's place in a JAMStack app?

What do developers need to know to start developing JAMStack apps?

What are some good resources for JAMStack development?


Reference Links


Working with Static Sites Book (

Jekyll (

Hugo (

Pelican ( (

SnipCart JAMstack Article (

JAMStack WTF (

Stackbit (

Brian’s JAMStack Email List (

Brian’s Twitter Profile (

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