In this episode, I have a great converstaion all about design systems with my guest Matt Felten, a design technologist currently working at the intersection of design and code tools for ServiceTitan.


Questions Asked


Tell us about your design background.

Have you coded before or mostly focused on design?

What is a design system?

How are design systems different from style guides?

Does the design system dictate the tools the designers will use or the other way around?

Tell us what components, deisgn paterns and experiences are in design systems?

Tell us why you create components both in Figma and React?

How do you keep the Figma and React components in sync?

How do you balance updates to the design system verus speed to market?

When is a right time for a company to create a design system?

What are some popular design systems?

What makes Shopify's Polaris your favorite Design System?

Does a design system take into account the different delivery channels such as Amazon Alexa?

Are there open source design systems companies can use as a base to start creating their own?

Who are the stakeholders involved in the creation of a design systems?

What are some tools for creating design systems?

How are component changes incorporated?

Do you remove or deprecate components from the design system?

Do design systems address the delivery of content to components?

Do you think design systems should address content delivery to components in the future?

Tell us about ServiceTitan's Anvil Design System.

Tell us about Contentful's Design System, Forma36.

Should a Design Systems address localization, peronnas, etc?

Would design system components change based on the personna?

What's the future hold for design systems?


Reference Links


Google Material Design Design System (

SalesForce Lightning Design System (

Shopify Polaris Design System (

ServiceTitan Anvil Design System (

Storybook JS (

Framer (

Matt Felten at Twitter (

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