The conversations and content you take in will affect your energy levels in both a positive and negative way. In this Content Matterz episode, Eric Kasimov discusses his experiences with both positive and negative conversations he has had in his career and how they’ve affected his productivity.  And while you are at it, ask yourself ... Read more

The post Creating a Positive Atmosphere Through Content and Conversations appeared first on KazCM.

The conversations and content you take in will affect your energy levels in both a positive and negative way. In this Content Matterz episode, Eric Kasimov discusses his experiences with both positive and negative conversations he has had in his career and how they’ve affected his productivity. 

And while you are at it, ask yourself this; are you taking in positive content? Or are you stuck listening to content that is adding negative energy to your life? Change that… take in some positive content

You’ve heard of the book The Energy Bus by John Gordon. It’s fundamental in many ways, but not always easy to execute especially when it comes down to those you surround yourself with and the content you take in. That positive energy applies to all of it. The person in the office near yours, your Twitter feed, the people you go to lunch with, the clients you have, and of course the people you live with.
It takes effort to create an atmosphere of positive. And one way to control it is by creating content yourself–positive content. That doesn’t mean you need to be like Tony Robbins. The content could be strategic or it could be thought-provoking or it could be analytical. The point is you are focused on the creation of whatever that piece of content is. You will have a hard time focusing on the negative and that alone is a reason why you should create content.


And yes, you should consider creating content for your personal brand and business.

Whatever story you want to tell, we want to help you tell it. From ideas and strategies to meshing it with your brand, KazCM is your storytelling team.

Create or build your content platform. Contact us today to learn more about our content creation services. 


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Wrap Up:

Thank you so much for listening to this Content Matterz podcast episode on positive content | #ContentMatterz.
This podcast episode of Content Matterz exists because of KazCM. The content creation company inside KazSource. It’s all about the content. Content creation, content usage, and content distribution. Why? Because we love helping entrepreneurs create and share amazing content.

The post Creating a Positive Atmosphere Through Content and Conversations appeared first on KazCM.

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