What do brands look for in content creators in influencers? What do creators need to be doing for their brands and platforms to get a brand's attention?

If you are an influencer or content creator looking to partner with brands on Instagram, TikTok, or your blog, this podcast episode is for you.  Through years of working with public relations companies, influencer agencies, and brands directly, we’ve both learned what brands look for in content creators and influencers.

Brands look to see if: you’ve organically talked about the brand.

Brand teams will notice if you’ve been a longtime fan of the brand if you’re organically:

·      Tagging the brand in-feed posts or on IG stories
·      Using their brand hashtags (we’ve talked about this before on the podcast and onb Clubhouse) – You can see what hashtags brands are following by clicking on the brand’s “Following” (NOT followers), clicking “Hashtags”, and you’ll see all the hashtags the brand is following.

Brands also look to see if: you’re active on other platforms.

One reason why brands source influencers for social media marketing campaigns is to create multiple touch points with their (potential) audiences. If you’re able to provide more touch points to the brand, you’re able to extend the brand’s reach to your other audiences.

Even if you don’t have a massive following on Twitter or TikTok, having at least one other active platform is something to work towards as a content creator.

Tune in for the rest of tips!

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