One way we’ve learned to be better content creators is by learning from each other and learning from other content creators. We hope these real-life lessons we’ve learned can help give you insight and a little bit of perspective in your own influencer journey.

Lesson #1: It’s okay to talk about money as content creators and influencers

There’s been more and more discussions about how some influencers are unsure about talking about money and how it breeds the comparison game.

But as women and women of color, it’s been so important in my journey to talk about the business side of being an influencer and to talk about money. It’s totally fine if you want to keep blogging or social media as a hobby, but there are also a good number of creators who want to make this a full-time career.

Tune in to listen to the rest of the lessons!

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Follow Maddy on Instagram: @madcrayy | Pinterest: @madcrayy

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