Today we’re going to be sharing 5 blogging goals you can set for yourself. If you’re wanting to set new goals for your blog, brand, or business on social media, this podcast episode is for you. 

Blogging Goal #1: What do you want to do for your audience? 

How are you going to deliver value to them? 
How are you going to inspire them, motivate them, or educate them?

If you have hopes of turning your blog or Instagram into your full-time career, you have to put your audience at the forefront. A lot of people miss that a lot of content creators solve a problem, provide information, or entertain their audiences. If you haven’t defined what you’re doing to do for your audience, that should be your first blogging goal you set.

Blogging Goal #2: What skills do you want to learn as a blogger?

Content creators, bloggers, Instagram/TikTokers, YouTubers, and more wear many different hats. 

 If it’s truly your long-term goal to take content creation full-time, what skills do you need to learn to get there? 

Here are a few skills you might want to set goals for:

 ·      How to negotiate with brands

·      How to edit photos using photo shop or Adobe Lightroom

·      How to edit videos 

·      The basics of SEO 

·      How to utilize Pinterest

·      Writing/editing skills

For the rest of the tips, tune into the episode!

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