Hey guys! We're back after a long hiatus, just in time for back to back episodes of Salty Popcorn Reviews!

And what better show to return with than The Bear, a program created by the guy who directed Bo Burnham's specials, but manages to go an entire season without one joke! That's actually kind of impressive. Anyway, if you like being stressed out or have experience in the food industry, this is the show for you!

We're joined in the second half of the show by Luis Lopez, a sound designer who has spent a large portion of his career in the food service industry. Is this show an accurate portrayal of what it's like to work a prep line? YES CHEF!


Salty Popcorn Reviews is a Content Candy production. Content Candy: It's Nom-Noms For Your Ears!

You can support us via our Patreon.

If you like the delicious sound snacks by liking this podcast, checking out our other shows, subscribing, and leaving a nice review! Make sure to check out our other programming, both through your ears but also maybe your eyeballs on Drew's Youtube channel!

Social medias: @Videodrew @nerdchronic. Special guest: Luis Lopez

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