What now?

It is well-documented that recruiting front-line staff for the NHS is a struggle. It is less stated that what is effectively, ‘the human supply-chain to the front-line, is an equally tough recruitment challenge. It may not be cool to work for the NHS, sure it commands great public respect and support - if not Governmental - but the vast share of that is with the Doctors and Nurses. MullenLowe London have built upon their previous "We are the NHS" campaign efforts for the NHS to directly target IT and support staff in a new recruitment drive. 

An NHS press release about the campaign said: “From entry level roles through to senior management positions, every member of the NHS team plays a vital part in caring for the millions of NHS patients with care and compassion when it matters most.”

The commercial features a compelling narrative that includes live footage from various hospital locations and does a great job to bring to life the life-saving efforts of those in job roles that are hard to portray.

Speaking to campaign, the ad's director, Simon Ratigan, said: 

“Every shot does count, especially on this project, as finding good material proved difficult. The ad is to promote IT and support jobs within the NHS. Neither are particularly dynamic roles nor visually interesting. But this ‘hidden army’, as everyone is calling them, plays a pivotal part in the organisation and, like doctors and nurses, the NHS are in desperate need of them.”

The call to action on the ad invites you to search "NHS support and IT Jobs" and the result is a paid search listing up top. This does the triage job (and effectiveness measurement) of getting you into a job search functionality environment but creatively and content-wise, feels a bit disconnected from the stylish ad-spot from whence you came. 

Everything about this ad - and for all the scouring I can undertake, this is above the line only - has the tropes of army recruitment commercials. The pace, as generated by the cuts in the edit, the soundtrack, the live action footage, it has it all. But crucially, it has compassionate and considered copy. 

Tone of voice and language are crucial. "We're a ping in the pocket" is such a clear and succinct way of conveying so much more, it carries as much weight as the later line of, "We're a new kidney, for Lily."

Where Karmarama and The Army may have split the nation, upset the Snowflakes and made the miffling masses miffle, this ad gets it so so right. 

Where next?

It would be great to see a fully-integrated campaign with LinkedIn or a recruitment firm partnership, if not NHS owned web properties themselves, seeking to make more of the people behind the roles they seek to fill.

As Rightmove have done an excellent job of telling the human story behind motivations to move house in their 'Moving Stories' content play, the NHS human supply chain must be full of moments that matter(ed) and little twists of 'convince and convert' anecdotes that could be connected to a job description.  

Agency: MullenLowe London

Client: NHS


Life on the small screen: What children are watching and why - Ofcom

Ofcom commissioned this research to explore what video content children are watching, how they reach it, why they choose it. With YouTube being the go-to source for moving image content, it has been found that video content is tied to offline interests in those aged 12-15. At the same time, the study reports that children described going out to meet friends face-to-face as ‘too much effort’.

“Overall, children seem most attracted to content that they can view on their own device, over which they can exercise maximum choice, and which directly feeds the things that interest them.”

World’s worst job: the Moonpig staff who have to censor Britain’s amateur erotica - The Guardian

Who knew it was a job to see what others should never see? At Moonpig, the online-to-home greetings card delivery service, they have a team that approve user generated content submissions for greetings cards. Every Valentine’s Day it gets that little bit more interesting. Where Facebook, Tumblr and Microsoft have been forced into AI routes, to censor at scale, the Moonpig process is 100% human-led.

“In 2018, 368 orders were cancelled by the company.”

Scroll responsibly: how to use Instagram positively - CustomerJourneysJoinedUp.com

As screen-time and our interactions with social networks come under ever-increasing scrutiny, make your time with a social network count for something that is positive, fulfilling and worth your time. You will thank yourself for it. This article has a bunch of practical tips on how to get the most, the best and what you need from Instagram and not what societal pressures might want.

“Please raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimised by your existence on Instagram.“


Source: Thread Reader App


In their words: “Facebook lets you know which advertisers uploaded a contact list with your info.”

Source: Nick Sullivan

Also consider: #LeaveFacebook


Digital Content Editor - NSPCC

Editorial Assistant - WARC

Head of European Content Distribution - Roku


DMA: Understanding the value of influencer marketing, LONDON - 26 February 2019

Join the DMA’s Social Media Council as they bring together industry experts to dissect the inner workings of influencer marketing.

You will:

Hear the newly released guidance from the DMA social media council

Hear advice on working with influencers, from the influencers themselves

Meet and network other professionals from their industry

Tickets are FREE for members and £50 non-members: https://dma.org.uk/event/understanding-the-value-of-influencer-marketing

Full Disclosure: As Chair of the DMA’s Social Council, I will be Chairing this event.

..and finally.

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