CONTENT MARKETING CAMPAIGNTourism Ireland: Using the data of emotion to create content

What now?

Show me an Ad about tourism in Ireland that doesn’t go all in on the emotion of falling in love with the place. At least with this latest TV Ad spot and wider social execution, there is the perfect partnership of data and emotion in a simple, yet effective, creative route that wears both on its sleeve.

With Tourism Ireland (and Publicis London’s) new proposition of “Fill your heart with Ireland”, it is easy to see where the execution came from but it could also have been a contrived and engineered affair of the heart and screen.

Where next?

I would like to see more supporting content that reinforces Ireland as the source of the physiological experience. Spotify playlists of Irish artists and their songs that fit a certain range of BPM. An academic explaining the reason behind the rush of blood connected with the experience. Photos captured by the couple overlaid with their heart beat pattern in print, display and beyond. VR executions in target countries that generate that same heightened response by merely putting on a headset but with recommended destinations and itineraries based on your own physiological response.

Client: Tourism Ireland

Agency: Publicis London


We learn “digital” doesn’t have to mean “short” - Nieman Labs

A fascinating case study from an innovative digital publisher, sharing their long and short of it in content experiments.

“I’m a proponent of a “right-form” approach to journalism — the idea of thinking about how to tell stories from the outset in terms of video vs. audio vs. text, short-form vs. long-form, whatever the right form for the journalism may be.”  Raney Aronson-Rath

Anthony Joshua delivers knock-out surprise to super fans on Boxing Day - Evening Standard

The tried and tested route of candid camera and undercover celeb reveal is used to good effect to create content that highlights the possibilities of connecting with a publisher and their content (but only when you are a loyal Sky VIP)

“The one-on-one nature of this is so personal I don’t think any of them will forget this for a long, long time, and we encourage all our customers to join Sky VIP and find their own incredible experiences.” Adam Smith

Marketers who prioritise digital advertising have delusions of effectiveness  - The Drum

Social and other digital channels as part of the mix, sure. But all in and you’re missing out and missing the mark.

“Social media is vastly overrated” Samuel Scott


Hawkeye by Scoop.it

In their words: Content intelligence platform that analyzes the relevant Web and provides data-driven insights to marketers in order to identify content opportunities.

Hawkeye by Scoop.it

Also consider: Buzzsumo, Newscred, Atomic Reach.


Head of Content and Creative - NHS Digital

Head of Content - Comic Relief  

Web Content Administrator - IDL

..and finally.

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