T.D. Mischke (@TommyMischke) is a radioman that has fled the studio for the open road and the stories waiting to be told via his latest project, The Mischke Roadshow. My conversational history with Mischke dates back to 1996 when I first rang his radio program as a 16-year old. Ever a beacon of creativity, Mischke is an artist and storyteller who has always allowed his natural curiosity to carve the path forward. His talent is enormous (James Fallows of The Atlantic lauded Mischke as “truly original”), his disposition humble, and with his podcast, his soul remains free to wander.

In this episode, Mischke shares the process of shedding skins to make room for the unknown, the impact of a mentor, his fascination with Bob Dylan, and his discoveries along his spiritual wanderings.

T.D. Mischke is a podcast host and producer at The Mischke Roadshow, musician and writer.