This is the first talk in the Milestones series. In this episode Fr Laurence Freeman speaks about the spiritual and psychological aspects of our life journey and how the practice of meditation leads to the recovery of the essential childlike state.

John Main saw meditation as the recovery of our innocence. We recover the essential qualities we had as children, our innocence, through our mature relationship to our Source, our ontological parenthood in God as the ultimate ground of our being.

Wisdom shows the stages of life we all pass through in uniquely personal ways. Meditation as a way of wisdom illuminates these stages of the journey of life and has its own milestones. In this series of talks Fr Laurence will show how the journey of meditation deepens the journey of life and gives us the courage and vision to live life as fully conscious travellers.

Laurence Freeman is a Benedictine monk and the spiritual successor to John Main. He is the Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation. Author, retreat leader and international speaker, Fr Laurence sees the contemplative as the essential dimension of all spirituality.

This Talk was recorded at the Meditatio Centre, in London.

Music Credits: Aourourou by Blue Dot Sessions