In this 2023 episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert, you will learn the following:


How to detect financial abuse in the marriage


What to do with financial abuse in the divorce


Emotional Abuse and Money


Physical Abuse and Money


How to pay your attorney with no access to money


Court order for legal fees


Transparency in declaring assets


What Forensic Accountants do


Marital Estate Chart


When litigation is needed


The importance of reviewing financial documents for each transaction


When to hire a larger firm or a sole practitioner


How to handle the fear of asking for a divorce in an abusive marriage


The importance of having a therapist or divorce coach as a support system


Order of Protection for physical abuse


How and when to serve the Petition for divorce on the abusive spouse


#financialabuse #jointbankaccounts #creditcards #allowance #physicalabuse #emotionalabuse #marriage #divorce #breadwinner #finances #wageearner #control #accesstomoney #childcare #taxreturns #taxfiling #financialpressure #mindset #finacialmindset #dishonesty #budgeting #budget #financiallydisadvantagedspouse #initialretainer #equality #legalrights #legalfees #court #incarceration #Judge’sorders #assets #transparency #forensicaccountant #fear


Biography of Lisa Zeiderman, Esq.


Lisa Zeiderman is Managing Partner at Miller Zeiderman LLP, based in New York. A matrimonial attorney, CFL and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, she regularly handles complex financial and custody divorce matters, as well as pre- and post-nuptial agreements for high-net-worth individuals.


In addition to authoring a well-read blog on Psychology Today, “Legal Matters: Understanding Mental Health Issues as They Apply to Divorce and Child Custody,” Ms. Zeiderman is regularly published in Financial Advisor Magazine, the New York Law Journal, and Forbes. She is also regularly interviewed on issues ranging from financial empowerment to complex tax issues and child custody, and has been featured in a host of media from The Wall Street Journal to Kiplinger’s, as well as on a multitude of podcasts.


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