On this episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert you will learn the following:


What Conflict Communication is


What “showing up” means


Why the way we show up matters


The elements in our communication and facial expressions that affect the other party


Emotional Intelligence


Relationship Management


What happens in our bodies when we’re in conflict and fear


How to turn fear around in our bodies


Tone of voice and choice of words matter


Identify your triggers


Go through the Emotional Divorce before Filing


Mediation mistakes with Settlement


Both spouses need to go through the emotions of uncoupling


Address the Hurt to get to a Better Settlement


Where Trust fits into the settlement negotiations and mediation


The importance of pre-mediation before both spouses attend


Emotional potential


Depersonalize issues with the other spouse


Four Communication Styles


How your parental families determine future relationships


#emotionalintelligence #conflictcommunication #communication #facialexpressions #relationshipmanagement #triggers #response #emotionalpotential #deepbreathing #triggers #emotionaldivorce #hurt #rejection #trust #distrust #mediation #emotionalpotential #communicationstyles #expressive #conflictavoidance #analyzer #selfawareness #family #relationships #pain #gain #conflictcoach #compassion #empathy #sympathy #warmheartedness


Dr. Debra Dupree Biography


Dr. Debra is a Dispute Resolution Specialist, Conflict | Leadership Coach, and International Trainer and Keynote Speaker.  She hosts the podcast ‘Decoding the Conflict Mindset’ to bring ‘thought leaders’ from business and legal worlds to her community worldwide to gain insight when high emotions run high and tough negotiations are at stake.  She also founded the virtual mentorship program “The Agile Lawyer-Mediator Interview Series” drawing upon 12 topnotch advocates and mediators.


Dr. Dupree is author of Your Emotional Potential: How You Show Up Matters


Dispute Resolution Specialist:  Mediation & Conflict Coach | Podcast Host | International Speaker | Author


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