With Justin still sidelined from the podcast, the team was in search of someone to help out on the show. Then, as if the Internet just knew, Cutwright was deposited before them. The man of legend and recent Twitch Affiliate messaged Josh one night with a proposal, a simple proposal: "Hey, when am I coming on the podcast again?"

This is that podcast, and this is that episode.An episode wherein the team mostly just carried over leftover topics from the week before. 

Of course, this worked to everyone's benefit, as what better person to discuss being a Twitch Affiliate with, than a person who recently achieved that status. Furthermore, there's nothing like discussing the therapeutic nature of Dungeons & Dragons -- and similar RPG-styled games -- than with someone who apparently secretly studied psychology once upon a time.

All of this, plus some shameless and shameful self-promotion on what critics are calling "the best episode of Constantly Calibrating this season."*

Join us, you'll like it.



*This its technically true, as Josh & Ryan are both critics and Brad is very critical.